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We’re on the move…


If you’re a regular visitor you’ve probably noticed that things have slowed down in terms of updates the last couple of months. In this post I’ll try to explain the reason for this and also some changes that will be taking affect acting immediately.

To keep a project like From up North up and running we primarily need two things — First off is time. It takes an enormous amount of time to scan trough all our sources and curating best pieces to get featured in our roundups.

Secondly we need some kind of revenue stream to cover cost for hosting and other recurring fees. With the steady increase of the popular AdBlockers it’s become significantly harder to cover these expenses, and not to mention accumulate funds to reinvest and improve the site and our process of handling the content that we find. And since we need to aim our focus on other projects to keep the lights, both time and money has become quite scarce commodities.

“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails”

Just as many other sites we’ve realized that it’s a loosing battle trying to fight the AdBlockers. So to lower the expenses and free up time, previously put on optimizing and trouble-searching the server, we’ve decided to move the whole sha-bang to Medium’s magnificent platform. Since Medium is a pure blogging platform we were able to transfer all our old content so that it would still be available. However, to make the images zoom-able, they’ve stripped the links from all images in the archive. Of course not optimal, but something that was out of our hands. But going forward we will of course still be adding as much information as possible to each published piece.

Another downside with the move is that custom built features from the old site(like the image feed & our channels) had to be taken down. Mainly just because Medium doesn’t support those features at the moment.

So that’s more or less the short version of the reasons behind the move. Our hope is that this less-is-more approach will enable to focus more on creating great content for you guys.

Lastly, if you appreciate what we do and want us to keep going, please consider supporting us by “clapping” our posts as well as sharing them with your social following to spread the word. It would be much appreciated.

Please feel free drop a comment below to leave any feedback and/or questions.

Best regards,
Daniel Nelson

We’re on the move… was originally published in From up North on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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